Sound exercise
The three games that include speech, iconography and symbolism is Call of Duty Black ops 3, Halo 3 and Uncharted 4. Call of Duty Black ops 3- throughout the campaign there are cinematics which include speech which creates a story to entertain us which leads to us to play the whole way through. when there using speech its usually one of the soldiers speaking. The theme tunes at the main menu is a deep pitch which creates tension and emotion.Speech is a good example for multiplayer because its used to order the players. vital sounds to hear for multiplayer are the foot steps and explosions which gives you information where the player is. Sometimes when a grenade is thrown your commander in the game shouts "grenade incoming" which helps you out. this makes and intense feelling when playing. Halo 3- sound creates emotion. when fighting enemies in battles the music changes into a deep pitch to make it intense whilst playing which makes it more enjoyable when playing. the main...